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"This literature was published and added to city of Springfield's website."
as you will be able to tell as you read along, this article in no way, shape, or form reflects my personal beliefs .- S. Anon
City of Springfield and Springfield Township
Cooperative Economic Development Agreement
In 1999 the Ohio legislature passed legislation which allows political subdivisions to enter into Cooperative Agreements with each other to address concerns associated with economic development, growth, and annexation.
In summary, the Springfield CEDA allows the city to annex undeveloped portions of a township (in this case, Springfield township) in return for sharing income tax (12 1/2%) with the township on future developments. The township pledges support of the annexations but also must continue to provide specified services. The township is not withdrawn when the city is extended. Current single family residences can access city utilities without annexation. Future residences as well as current and future industrial and commercial areas must annex to the city to access utilities. Any of the surrounding Townships contiguous to the City of Springfield can negotiate similar agreements that would allow for the expansion of the City while maintaining the integrity of the Township.
The first CEDA has been signed with Springfield Township. The City Commission, Springfield Township Trustees, and the Clark County Commission have entered into the agreement together to provide sewer and water utility services and potentially other services to the southern portion of Springfield Township. One of the first outcomes of this agreement will be the construction of the Southern Interceptor sewer line. The line will allow expansion of the Prime Ohio Industrial Park and give existing Springfield Township residents the opportunity to connect to the sewer line without annexation.
The CEDA Agreement is a Win/Win proposition for Springfield, Clark County, and Springfield Township. Benefits to both jurisdictions include:
Benefits of the CEDA to the City of Springfield
Allowance for annexation of future commercial, industrial and residential development in Springfield Township |
Potential of more jobs for our community (Increased tax base) |
Southern Interceptor Sewer solves capacity problems for Prime Ohio and within the City |
Benefits of Agreement to Springfield Township
Provides current Springfield Township residents the ability to obtain utility services without annexing into the City of Springfield |
Provides for sharing of income tax from new commercial and industrial development |
Maintains the integrity of Springfield Township boundaries |
As previously mentioned, the City and Township will share income tax revenue. Such a share entails that both jurisdictions provide services to the area. The service provisions in the Springfield Township CEDA are as follows:
City of Springfield Service Provisions:
Fire Response |
EMS Response |
Rescue Services (ie confined space, etc.) |
City police Coverage |
Utility Maintenance (sanitary and storm sewers) |
Traffic Signal Maintenance (if not maintained by the county or state) |
Planning and Zoning Services |
Building Inspections |
Code Enforcement Street Lighting |
Springfield Township Service Provisions:
Snow clearance (plowing and salting) |
Roadway maintenance (including sweeping, pothole patching, crack sealing, etc.) |
Pavement replacement (up to 2" resurfacing) |
Right of Way maintenance (including mowing, trash/litter, retention areas, etc.) |
Major Road Reconstruction in the CEDA areas will be split 50/50
Clark County Service Provisions:
Bridge Replacement/maintenance |
Ditch Cleaning and watercourse Maintenance |
Road Reconstruction of all County Roads |
The City of Springfield has just recently released a proposal to also annex Bird Rd.,East National Rd.,& Rt.40 out to the Harmony Twp. Border